View my CV


Ph.D. in Economics
Urban Economics | Housing Markets | Data Science | and enthusiast

I am interested in applying data science, statistics, econometrics, and machine learning to urban economics, with a focus on housing markets and geospatial analysis. My expertise includes handling large datasets, data cleaning, visualization, and analysis. I am proficient in R, Python, and SQL.

Work Experience

  • Scientific researcher at the Chair of Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Intern and RA at IOS Regensburg
  • Lecturer at Jimma University


  • Ph.D. in Economics, Ruhr Graduate School in Economics
  • MA in Comparative Local Development, University of {Corvinus, Regensburg, Trento, Lijubljana}
  • MA in Development Policy, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
  • BA in Economics, Bahir Dar University


Title: Essays on Housing Supply and the Monocentric City Model

  1. Testing the Gradient Predictions of the Monocentric City Model in Addis Ababa

  2. The impact of COVID-19 on real estate markets in Germany.

  3. Geographic Constraints and the Housing Supply Elasticity in Germany.


  • R, Python, SQL, Stata, Zsh, Git, GIS, LaTeX/Quarto/Markdown, Shiny


  • Data, web scraping, football